AS CA S043.2:2016 Requirements for Customer Equipment for connection to a metallic local loop interface of a Telecommunications Network
5.1.1 Applicable requirements
CE shall comply with the requirements of an Equipment Class as specified in Clauses 5.2 to 5.6. The Appendix detailing the test criteria and Referenced Documents for each Equipment Class is specified in Table 1.
5.1.2 Multiple Equipment Classes
Where more than one Equipment Class applies to the CE, the CE shall comply with each Equipment Class requirement.
5.1.3 Group A and Group B requirements
CE shall comply with all the requirements of either:
(a) Group A which specifies the parameter values and testing requirements; or
(b) Group B which specifies either the test criteria or the requirements in the Referenced Documents for the applicable Equipment Class.
Where the CE does not support all line code options in an Equipment Class (e.g. where there are multiple types of coding),the CE shall comply with each requirement that has been implemented of the applicable Equipment Class.
Note 1: It is expected that most equipment which complies with international standards will comply under the relevant Group B requirements in this Standard. Group A requirements, which correspond to tighter (i.e. lower) PSD masks than the Group B requirements, are available as an altermative path for compliance of systems which cannot comply with the line code aspect of the Group B requirements.
Note 2: For Equipment Class 10v, there is no option to comply with Group A requirements, because the line code and vectoring operation need to be consistent across all Class 10v services in the cables.
5.1.4 Non-compliant line code
CE that does not comply with a line code specified in Group B for the applicable Equipment Class, except Equipment Class 10v,shall use the Group A requirements.
5.2 Total average power
The total average power transmitted by CE shall not exceed the total average power limit over the specified frequency range,measured when the CE is transmitting maximum power, excluding any transient startup or initialisation phases.