AS standards list

AS IEC 60990:2018 Methods of measurement of touch current and protective conductor current

AS IEC 60990:2018 Methods of measurement of touch current and protective conductor current
6.1 .2 Control switches, equipment and supply conditions
During TOUCH CURRENT measurements, the test environment, configuration, earthing and supply system shall be according to 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5.
In order to maximize the current values during measurements, the configuration shall be varied by connection and disconnection of units that are part of the EQUIPMENT , as permitted by the manufacturer’s operating and installation instructions.
Control switches e, g, l, n and p in Figure 6 to Figure 1 4 shall be manipulated as described in 6.2, while the conditions listed in this subclause and 6.2.1 are independently varied so as to give the maximum measured value or values. Product committees shall make an appropriate selection of these variables. Recent addition of ABNORMAL OPERATION as an operating condition in product standards as related to the electrical installation (e.g. the loss of PE or the inability to ensure polarity of supply) clarifies the test conditions under NORMAL operation and FAULT CONDITIONS to then be applied.
6.1 .3 Use of measuring networks
Appropriate measuring electrodes (see 5.2), measuring network (see 5.1 ) and measuring device (see G.4) shall be used in accordance with the appropriate systems of Figure 6 to Figure 1 4 (see 5.4) to make measurements of TOUCH CURRENT between simultaneously accessible parts, and between accessible parts and earth.
The terminal A electrode shall be applied to each accessible part in turn.
For each application of the terminal A electrode, the terminal B electrode shall be applied to earth, then applied to each of the other accessible parts in turn.
For power systems with an earthed power conductor, the terminal B electrode may be connected directly to the earthed power conductor at the interface of the EUT and the power supply, instead of being connected to the protective conductor. This connection may be used even though the voltage difference between the protective conductor and the earthed power conductor is more than 1 % of the line-to-line voltage (see 4.2).

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