AS standards list

AS 2980:2004 Qualification of welders for fusion welding of steels

AS 2980:2004 Qualification of welders for fusion welding of steels
The qualification test shall be carried out as butt or fillet weld. The following criteria are applicable:
(a) Butt welds qualify butt welds in any type of joint except branch connections.
(b) Butt welds also qualify the welder for fllet welds, but fllet welds only qualify fllet welds.
(c) Butt welds in pipes without backing qualify branch connections with an angle 260° and the same range of qualification as in Clauses2.2 and 2.5 to2.9. For a branch weld the range of qualification is based on the outside pipe diameter of the branch.
(d) For applications where the type of weld cannot be qualified by means of either a butt or fillet weld test then a specific test piece to be used to qualify the welder, e.g. branch connections other than Item (C) above, plug welds (see Clause 3.5.5).
2.5.1 Steel groups of parent material In order to reduce the number of qualification tests, materials with similar welding characteristics shall be grouped in accordance with Appendix B.
NOTE: The tabulations are grouped according to ISO/TR 15608.
2.5.2 Range of qualification
The welding of any one metal in a group confers qualification on the welder for the welding of all other metal w ithin the same group as well as other groups according to Table 2.5. When welding parent materials outside the grouping system a separate test is required. Qualification of dissimilar metal joints: When using filler metals from group 8 or 10 (sce Table 2.5), all combinations with group 8 or 10 to other groups are covered. A qualification test made on wrought material groups gives qualification for cast material and a mixture of cast and w rought material in the same material group.
Qualification with fller metal, e.g. with the GTAW (141), PAW(15) and gas welding (311) processes, qualifies for welding without fller metal but not vice versa. The ranges of qualification for welding consumables (other than those for SAW, electroslag and electrogas welding) are given in Tables 2.6(A) and 2.6(B).

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