AS standards list

AS 2317.1:2018 Lifting points

AS 2317.1:2018 Lifting points
3.2.2 Manufacturing proof test
Collared eyebolts and eyenuts in their finished condition (except they may be painted or unpainted) shall, where required by Appendix H and under the conditions specified in Clause G.3, be subjected to a proof force at least equal to the manufacturing proof force specified in Table 2.2. After removal of the force, there shall be no visible defects, and the permanent set shall conform to Clause 3.4(b).
3.2.3 Non-destructive test
Where required by Appendix H, the forged surfaces of collared eyebolts and eyenuts, shall, after heat treatment and de-scaling, be subjected to magnetic particle or dye penetrant examination in accordance with AS 1171 or AS 2062(or international equivalent). Any such examination shall be undertaken by operators qualified in accordance with AS ISO 9712(or international equivalent).
Indications greater than 2 mm in length shall not be permitted in areas of the collared eyebolts and eyenuts subjected to tensile stresses, in all foreseeable service conditions. Where grinding is required to remove such indications then, after grinding, the collared eyebolts and eyenuts shall conform to the dimensions and tolerances specified by the manufacturer. A final examination shall show no indications greater than 2 mm in length in areas subject to tensile stresses, in all permissible service conditions.
NOTE Care should be taken to ensure that the direction and roughness of grinding does not create starting points for fatigue failure and cause excessive heating, which may have a local effect on the heat-treated condition, or may cause cracks.
3.3 Proof loading
Where required by the customer or user, each eyebolt and eyenut shall be subjected to a force that is not less than the relevant minimum proof test force specified in Table 2.2 applied under the conditions specified in Appendix G.
4.1 Small eyebolts and eyenuts
Eyebolts and eyenuts of sizes smaller than 12 mm should not be used for general lifting, staying or tensioning purposes, because high torsional stresses are easily induced in these smaller sizes by being screwed up too tightly. However, where they are used, care should be taken to not cause excessive torsional stresses while they are being fitted to a threaded hole.

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