AS 11801.2:2019 Information technology — Generic cabling for customer premises Single user TO assembly
In a general implementation of generic cabling, one assembly of TOs serves a single work area. The length of work area cords should be minimized. The implementation topology shall be selected from the options described in (for balanced cabling) and in 8.3 (for optical fibre cabling). The assembly of TOs shall be known as a single user TO assembly.
In addition, where the single user TO assembly is used, it should be located in user-accessible locations. Multi-user TO assembly
In an open office environment, a single assembly of TOs may be used to serve more than one work area. The implementation topology shall be selected from the options described in (for balanced cabling) and in 8.3 (for optical fibre cabling), and the assembly of TOs shall be known as a multi-user TO assembly.
In addition, where the multi-user TO assembly is used
a) a multi-user TO assembly shall be located in an open work area so that each work area group is served by at least one multi-user TO assembly,
b) a multi-user TO assembly should be limited to serving a maximum of twelve work areas,
c) a multi-user TO assembly should be located in user-accessible, permanent locations such as on building columns and permanent walls,
d) a multi-user TO assembly shall not be installed in obstructed areas,
e) the length of the work area cord should be limited to ensure cable management in the work area.
5.6.6 Consolidation point
The installation of a consolidation point in the horizontal cabling between the FD and the TO can be useful in an open office space where the flexibility of relocating TOs is required. One consolidation point is permitted between an FD and any TO. The consolidation point shall only contain passive connecting hardware and shall not be used for cross-connections.
In addition, where a consolidation point is used
a) the consolidation point shall be located so that each work area group is served by at least one consolidation point,
b) the consolidation point should be limited to serving a maximum of twelve work areas,
c) a consolidation point should be located in accessible locations,
d) a consolidation point shall be part of the administration system.