AS standards list

AS 1141.36:2017 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates

AS 1141.36:2017 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates
9.2 Total sulfur
The test procedure for total sulfur shall be as follows:
(a) Measure out about 1 g of the test portion, the mass of which has been accurately determined to the nearest 0.1 mg and recorded as C, into a wide-mouthed CO2 flask. Add 3 mL of water and 1 mL of Br2. Insert a short- stemmed funnel into the flask and gently agitate the mixture for about 1 min to prevent undue formation of lumps.
(b) Slowly add through the funnel 15 mL of HNO3 of concentration as given in Clause 7 and heat on a steam bath for 1 h, breaking up the gel at intervals with a flattened glass rod. Add 30 mL of water and gently boil on a hotplate until evolution of dense brown fumes ceases.
(c) Add 15 mL of HCl (1:2) and reduce by boiling down. Add a further 15 mL of HCI (1:2) and again reduce by boiling. Transfer the contents of the flask to a 250 mL beaker and wash with water until the total volume in the beaker is about 100 mL. Add a lttle filter paper pulp and bring contents of the beaker almost to the boil.
(d) Add two or three drops of the methyl red solution (already prepared). Make alkaline to methyl red by means of NH4OH (1:3).
(e) Simmer for 30 s, filter under gentle suction using a filter paper of medium porosity, and wash once with a little hot water, retaining the filtrates. Transfer the filter paper back into the beaker, add 70 mL water and 5 mL of HCl (1.16 kg/L) and boil. Repeat the process of precipitation with NH4OH (1:3) filtering and washing, retaining the filtrates and rejecting the precipitate.
(f) Combine the filtrates and washings (which should now total about 220 mL). Acidify with HCI, bring to the boil and add dropwise 10 mL of BaCl2 (0.1 kg/L). Keep the mixture at about 30°C for three to four hours or overnight.

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