AS standards list

AS 4291.1:2015 Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel

AS 4291.1:2015 Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel
7 Mechanical and physical properties
The bolts, screws and studs of the specified property classes shall, at ambient temperature 2) , meet all the applicable mechanical and physical properties in accordance with Tables 3 to 7, regardless of which tests are performed during manufacturing or final inspection.
Clause 8 sets forth the applicability of test methods for verifying that fasteners of different types and dimensions fulfil the properties in accordance with Table 3 and Tables 4 to 7.
NOTE 1 Even if the steel properties of the fasteners meet all relevant requirements specified in Tables 2 and 3, some types of fasteners have reduced loadability due to dimensional reasons (see 8.2, 9.4 and 9.5).
NOTE 2 Although a great number of property classes are specified in this part of ISO 898, this does not mean that all classes are appropriate for all fasteners. Further guidance for application of the specific property classes is given in the relevant product standards. For non-standard fasteners, it is advisable to follow as closely as possible the choice already made for similar standard fasteners.
8.1 General
Two main groups of test series are established for testing the mechanical and physical properties of fasteners specified in Table 3, FF and MP. Whereas group FF is used for testing finished fasteners, group MP is used for testing material properties of the fasteners. The two groups are divided into test series FF1, FF2, FF3 and FF4, and MP1 and MP2, respectively, for different types of fasteners. However, not all mechanical and physical properties specified in Table 3 can be tested on all types or sizes of fasteners due primarily to dimensional and/or loadability reasons.
8.3 Manufacturer’s test/inspection
Fasteners produced in accordance with this part of ISO 898 shall be capable of conforming to all applicable requirements of Tables 3 to 7 when using the “feasible” tests specified in Tables 8 to 11.
This part of ISO 898 does not mandate which of the tests the manufacturer shall perform on each manufacturing lot. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to apply suitable methods of his (or her) choice, such as in-process test or inspection, to ensure that the manufactured lot does conform to all of the applicable requirements.

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