AS NZS 1798:2014 Lighting poles and bracket arms— Recommended dimensions
1.4.8 Joint-use mast arm
A free-standing structure that is designed primarily for supporting traffic signal lanterns but also incorporates a detachable assembly comprising one or more outreach arms for the support of road lighting luminaires.
NOTE: Requirements for joint-use mast arms are specified in AS 2979.
1.4.9 Joint-use pole
A lighting pole which also incorporates facilities for the mounting of traffic signal lanterns.
NOTE: Dimensional details applicable to the mounting of traffic signal lanterns are those given for column lantern fixings in AS 2979.
1.4.10 Lighting pole (lighting column)
A vertical structure of any appropriate material designed to support luminaires, either directly or by the use of outreach arms or mounting frames.
1.4.11 Lighting pole with detachable outreach arm(s)
A lighting pole formed from the combination of a vertical section and a detachable assembly comprising one or more outreach arms, the two elements being joined by means of an outreach arm fixing spigot at the top of the vertical section.
1.4.12 Lighting pole with integral outreach arm(s)
A lighting pole incorporating one or more outreach arms, forming an integral structure. It may comprise a single structural element or a number of separate elements which, when assembled (e.g. by slip-fit joints), form an integral structure.
1.4.13 Luminaire fixing spigot
The portion of the lighting pole or bracket arm which is intended for securing a luminaire.
1.4.14 Mounting height
The vertical distance between the centre of a luminaire and the surface that is to be illuminated, e.g. the road surface.
1.4.15 Nominal mounting height
The vertical distance between the bottom of the baseplate or the ground line, as applicable,and—
(a) for lighting poles with outreach arms a horizontal line at the highest level of the outreach arm centreline, excluding the luminaire fixing spigot; or
(b) for lighting poles without outreach arms the highest point of the lighting pole,excluding the luminaire fixing spigot.
1.4.16 Outreach*
The distance, measured horizontally from the photometric centre of a luminaire, to—
(a) for lighting poles with outreach arms the centre of the vertical section of the pole; or
(b) for bracket arms the mounting plate by means of which the bracket arm is secured to the pole, wall or other supporting surface.