AS ISO 37104:2020 Sustainable cities and communities — Transforming our cities — Guidance for practical local implementation of AS ISO 37101
4.1 Local leadership in context
The context for the sustainable development of the city is set not only by municipalities, but by national and regional administrations in accordance with international agreements, national regulations, and regional, economic and budgetary policies. The relations between these different levels of government and administration need to be considered when addressing sustainable development of territories and cities. Cross-boundary issues and collaboration with neighbouring localities also need to be tackled.
Local governments have a key role in committing to and enacting local sustainable development. They usually decide on financial and budgetary matters, personnel changes, institutional reform and spatial and environmental planning, as well as natural resource substitution or management to deliver such a policy. They give a credible mandate for and initiate local implementation partnerships and ensure both initial stakeholder buy-in and their long-lasting engagement. They also evaluate achievements in relation to local or regional political commitments to sustainable development and, where necessary, may reconsider their sustainability pathway.
A council committed to sustainable development, and seeking to implement its commitments effectively, is advised to establish an integrated management system according to ISO 37101. In cities, formal political approval is required to officially launch a management system for sustainable development. The city council mandates its administrative body to organize and coordinate the management system for sustainable development, allocating appropriate resources, including staff and finances. Once a fundamental decision is reached and capacities and procedures for local sustainable development and resilience management have been established, formal decision-making is sought at frequent intervals during each agreed management period of this process.
4.2 Political decision-making
A key factor in the successful elaboration and implementation of the management of sustainable development is the quality of political leadership. In order to assume a leadership role, the political decision-making body may demonstrate its commitment through the establishment of a common and public policy for sustainable development in the city. This policy is a brief and important document that specifies the expected outcomes and the values on which it is based; the relevant technical and geographical scope of the management system for sustainable development; and the commitment to allocate appropriate resources to elaborate, implement and continually improve it. The policy should normally establish innovative procedures and incentives to encourage sustainable endeavours. It should also ensure that measures towards sustainability are enacted broadly and regularly, which should involve and empower interested and affected parties.