AS CA S041.2:2015 Requirements for DSL Customer Equipment for connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network
6.1 Verification of compliance with requirements
Compliance with all mandatory requirements in this AS/CA Standard is to be verified. This may be done by direct measurement, modelling and analysis, operation or inspection. Methods for demonstrating compliance of CE with the requirements clauses specified in this Standard are described in Clauses 6.2 to 6.3. Alternative methods of demonstrating compliance to those described may be used if the risk of passing non-compliant CE is not increased because of increased measurement uncertainty.
6.2 Standard test conditions
6.2.1 Unless this Standard provides otherwise, testing for compliance with this Standard should be conducted at the nominal supply voltage of the CE and within the following ranges of atmospheric conditions:
(a) An ambient temperature in the range of 15°C to 25°C inclusive.
(b) A relative humidity in the range of 45% to 75% inclusive.
(C) An air pressure in the range of 86 kPa to 106 kPa inclusive.
6.2.2 Where elements in a test configuration are variable, the test should be carried out over the indicated range for that element.
6.2.3 Unless indicated elsewhere within this Standard:
(a) the accuracy level of all measurements should be better than ±2% for voltage and current,±0.25% for frequency and±0.5% for time; and
(b) the tolerance of the nominal 48 V d.c. test source should be ±0.5 V. 6.2.4 Unless indicated elsewhere within this Standard for an individual test, all component values in the test configuration should have a tolerance of: (a) ±1% for resistance; (b)± 1% for capacitance; and
(c) -0%, ±25% for inductors.
6.3.2 Impedance balance (Longitudinal Conversion Loss)
Impedance balance is defined as the ratio U/V measured as shown in Figure 3. The test should be carried out by injecting a signal of 3 V r.m.s. between the earth and the midpoint of two resistors connected in series, in accordance with ITU-T Rec.0.9 [6]. Earth should be either TRC or protective earth termination, or both.
CE without an earth connection should be placed on an earthed metal plate of sufficient size.
Note: Impedance balance = 20 log (UN) dB.