AS 3711.3:2015 Freight containers
3.2.3 At the junction of the two 6 mm (1/4 in) outside edge radi with the 14,5 mm (9/ 16 in) edge radius, the corner should be rounded by blending the radiused edges, removing minimum amounts of material from the tlat outer taces and walls.
3.2.4 Where a corner ftting has an optional inner side wall and is made to the minimum dimension of 149 mm (5 7/8 in), the junction of the mandatory horizontal face to the optional in- ner side wall may be provided with a radius not exceeding 5,5 mm (7/32 in). If a greater radius is required, the 149 mm (5 7/8 in) dimensions shall be increased accordingly.
4 Strength requirements
The corner fttings shall be designed and constructed in such a manner and of such materials as to enable them to pass the operating and testing requirements laid down in ISO 1496/1.
5 Design requirements
5.1 Loads
The following container design loads and criteria were used in establishing the dimensional design of corner fttings specified in this International Standard.
Corner fittings for series 1 freight containers shall be capable of withstanding the loads calculated in accordance with the re- quirements of ISO 1496/1 for 1AA, 1A and 1AX containers. The calculated design loads are listed in the following sub- clauses.
NOTES Lifting from the bottom cormer fitting
1 The line of action of the sling is assumed to be porollcl to and not morc than 38 mm (1 1/2 in) from the outer face of the corner ftting.
2 The load values quoted are for slings at the angles stated, but it is recognized that slings may be used at any angle between the angle stated and the vertical.
5.1.4 Lashing and securing
The force. or resultant of any combination of forces. imparted on the aperture in the end or the side of a corner fiting as a result of the use of a lashing or a securing device, or a combina- tion ot such devices, is assumed not to exceed the value indica- ted by the point on the “envelope” shown in figure 5 which is appropriate to the angle at which the force, or resultant force, is applied. It is further assumed that the force or resultant force lles in a plane parallel to and no more thar1 38 11111 (1 1/2 in) from the face of the corner ftting.