AS standards list

AS 2397:2015 Safe use of lasers in the building and construction industry

AS 2397:2015 Safe use of lasers in the building and construction industry
The system of classification of laser devices is specified in AS/NZS IEC 60825.1. That system of classification ranks the potential hazards of lasers as follows:
(a) Class 1 laser products are considered eye safe under reasonably foreseeable conditions of use.
(b) Class 1M laser products are safe to the unaided eye but can become unsafe if telescopic optics (e.g. binoculars, theodolites) are used.
(c) Class 1C laser products are designed explicitly for contact application to the skin, such as for medical and cosmetic procedures. Under normal operation tissue or material other than the intended target is not exposed to hazards in excess of Class 1. It is unlikely that such devices will be used in industries covered by this Standard, so for the purposes of this Standard they will be included in Class 1 and not explicitly covered.
(d) Class 2 laser products are low-power visible lasers for which eye protection is normally afforded by the natural aversion response to bright light. Momentary (accidental) eye exposure is safe but deliberately staring into the beam is not.
(e) Class 2M laser products are visible lasers which are safe for momentary (accidental) exposures of the naked (unaided) eye. Exposure becomes unsafe when using telescopic optics or when deliberately staring into the beam.
(f) Class 3R laser products emit up to five times the limits set for Class 1 (if invisible) or Class 2 (if visible). The recognized safe limit may be exceeded but the risk of injury is relatively low for non-intentional exposures. They should not be used in dimly lit locations.
(g) Class 3B lasers are either invisible or visible lasers for which direct exposure, even for short durations, present a high risk of injury. Lasers approaching the upper limit of Class 3B may also exceed the skin exposure limit but the risk of injury is relatively low for accidental exposure. Consequently, use of Class 3B lasers for building or construction tasks is not permitted by this Standard.

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