AS standards list

AS NZS 1900:2014 Flotation aids for water familiarization and swimming tuition

AS NZS 1900:2014 Flotation aids for water familiarization and swimming tuition
3.4.1 Valves
When an inflatable chamber is inflated to 6.9 +0.5, −0 kPa and the stopper is removed, the non-return valve shall prevent the deflation of the chamber to a pressure of less than 3 kPa in a period of 2 min.
3.4.2 Resistance to leakage and bursting
When inflated to 6.9 +0.5, −0 kPa with the stopper inserted, at normal room temperature and completely submerged in water for 2 min, inflatable chambers shall show no signs of air leakage.
When inflated to a pressure of not less than 10 kPa at normal room temperature for 2 min,inflatable chambers shall not burst or show any evidence of leakage, nor shall any seam fail.
NOTE: 10 kPa is based on a margin above the average oral pressure which is considered to be 5 kPa.
Cellular material used in the construction of flotation aids shall be such that, following an immersion period of 24 h, the loss of buoyancy of the material shall not exceed 5% of that initially determined. Testing of buoyancy shall be before in accordance with Appendix A.
3.8.1 Fasteners, excluding zip fasteners
Fasteners, excluding zip fasteners, that are fundamental to the operation of the flotation aid with respect to maintaining the flotation of the user shall meet at least one of the following:
(a) At least two simultaneous or sequential actions shall be required for their release or opening in order to prevent unintended opening. See Figure 3.1.
(b) Centre release fasteners that are able to be released or opened by one single action and are dependent on pressure for release shall require a force of more than 50 N applied to the release mechanism of the fastener in order for it to be released or opened. Testing shall be in accordance with Appendix D. See Figure 3.2(b).
(c) Side release fasteners that are able to be released or opened by one single action and are dependent on pressure for release shall require a force of more than 30 N applied to the release mechanism of the fastener in order for it to be released or opened. Testing shall be in accordance with Appendix D. See Figure 3.2(a).

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