AS NZS 1301.434:2016 Methods of test for pulp and paper
9.3 Testing after 30 min of reconditioning
If the test is to be carried out after reconditioning, the composite test piece (i.e. the fluted test piece attached to the adhesive tape) shall be reconditioned for 30 min to 35 min in the conditioning atmosphere used to condition the samples (see Clause 7). If the test is carried out on reconditioned samples, all of the composite test pieces may be formed prior to testing.
9.4 Fluting and testing
Start the motor and heat the corrugating rolls (see 5.2) to 175 °C ? 8 °C. Taking care that one edge is flat on the guide, feed a test piece into the corrugating rolls with its longer side perpendicular to the nip. When the corrugated test piece emerges from the fluting rolls, place it on the rack (5.3.1) so that approximately equal lengths rest on the flat surfaces at each end of the rack.
Place the comb (5.3.2) over the corrugated test piece and press down so that it is held firmly in the valleys of the rack, ensuring that the test piece is bottomed uniformly in each of the flutes.
NOTE A rolling motion of the comb as it is placed on the test piece aids in forming the test pieces on the rack.Flatten the ends of the corrugated test piece to facilitate the further removal of the test piece from the comb, then place a strip of the adhesive tape (5.4), at least 120 mm long, adhesive side down, along the tips of the flutes and apply pressure (preferably by means of a flat rigid block) to the tape in contact with the tips of the flutes and the test piece ends. Carefully withdraw the comb from the flutes, without damage to the test piece,and lift the resulting 10-flute composite test piece out of the rack. If more than 10 flutes are formed, crush the extra flute(s) by hand prior to testing.
Care should be taken to avoid distortion of the flutes caused by applying too great a pressure when adhering the tape to the tips of the flutes.
Perform the flat crush tests either immediately or after reconditioning (in the same conditioning atmosphere used to condition the samples).
Place the composite test piece centrally on the lower platen of the crush tester (5.5) with the uncovered flutes upwards. Start the compression and read, to the nearest 5 N, the maximum force registered when completely crushing the flutes.
If the flutes have been pressed askew during the compression or if they have come away from the tape at any point, reject the results.
Repeat the procedure for the remaining test pieces until a total of at least 10 valid results have been obtained.