AS ISO 18565:2017 Document management- AFP/Archive
4.4 Exception conditions
In general, no exception conditions are defined within the AFP/A definition for structured fields or their parameters above and beyond what the general MO:DCA architecture defines. The following general rules apply.
Exception conditions should not be generated solely due to non-compliance with AFP/A. When a valid print file is non-compliant with AFP/A, it should always be processed to the best of a receiver’s capabilities. That is, any object, object content, structured field, or structured field triplet that is valid in the general architecture but that is not included in the AFP/A definition, should be processed to the best of a receiver’s capability. For example, a receiver may generate an exception because it detected an error while processing an MCF-1 structured field, but not because the print file claimed to be AFP/A compliant and the MCF-1 structured field is not part of AFP/A.
4.6 Page independence
In AFP/A it is imperative that a single page can be retrieved from a document and viewed or printed exactly as it appears when printed within the context of the complete archived print file. This means that the last invoked medium map (the “active” medium map for the page) shall be known, and the numerical order of the page with respect to the last invoked medium map shall be known. As a result, the following triplets, which are optional in the general MO:DCA architecture and in IS/3, are mandatory on BPG structured fields in AFP/A.
一FQN type X’8D’一Begin Medium Map Reference. This triplet points to the last medium map that was invoked before the given page; that is it points to the active medium map for the page. Note that the referenced medium map may be an internal medium map, and this medium map takes precedence over a medium map in the print file resource group.
一Either the Medium Map Page Number (X’56’) triplet or the Page Position Information (X’81’) triplet. If both are specified the X’81’ triplet overrides. These triplets specify the sequence number of the page in the set of pages controlled by the active medium map.
NOTE The Presentation Control (X’83’) triplet remains optional on the BPG in AFP/A; if not specified, the page is both viewable and indexable.
To ensure that colours are rendered properly, a page shall specify all CMRs and rendering intents required for presentation; the page cannot rely on inheriting these functions from higher levels in the document hierarchy.