AS standards list

AS 1742.9:2018 Australian Standard Manual of uniform traffic control devices

AS 1742.9:2018 Australian Standard Manual of uniform traffic control devices
3.7.4 Traffic signal control
Traffic signals may be used to control bicycle or shared or separated path crossings, or at- grade bicycle path intersections with a road. When traffic signals are used the following requirements and recommendations apply:
(a) Road crossings The treatment shown in Figure 3.10 is suitable for both bicycle and, shared and separated path crossings. Where the treatment is intended to be used only by cyclists, bicycle signals shall be provided. In all cases where pedestrians are likely to use the crossing, two-aspect pedestrian lanterns shall be used, and pedestrian walk and clearance times shall be provided. Unless bicycle signals are provided, cyclists are required by law to dismount before using a marked foot crossing.
(b) At-grade intersections The treatment shown in Figure 3.9 for bicycle path crossings may be adapted to traffic signal control. Three-aspect bicycle signal lanterns shall be used to control bicycle path approaches. Circle aspects shall control the road approaches. NO TURNS (R2-7) signs with BICYCLES EXCEPTED supplementary plates may be needed to face both directions of road traffic. Traffic signal layouts should be designed in accordance with state or national guidelines.
3.8.1 Unsignalized intersections
No special provision is required for footpaths where they cross unsignalized side streets at intersections. A bicycle path or a shared or separated path may require an appropriate treatment of a type specified in Clause 3.7.3(a). If a bicycle path has been diverted at the intersection to cross the side street some distance from the intersection, treatments specified in Clause 3.7.2 or Clause 3.7.3(b) may be required.
3.8.2 Signalized intersections
For bicycle and shared and separated path crossings at signalized intersections, the requirements and recommendations in Clause 3.7.4 apply. If a crossing is intended to be used exclusively by bicycle traffic, adequate provision shall be made elsewhere for any pedestrians in the vicinity who wish to cross.

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