AS 1670.4:2015 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems—System design, installation and commissioning
4.3.9 Visual warning devices, visual alarm devices and tactile warning devices In areas where the background A-weighted ambient noise level exceeds 85 dB(A), or the speech intelligibility requirements are not met, or where the wearing of hearing protection devices is required (see AS/NZS 1269.0), or where the emergency management plan excludes audible warning, VWDs and/or VADs shall be installed.
NOTE: Examples of areas requiring a visual warning where an audible warning may not be provided are audio recording studios, broadcast studios, and surgical theatres.
VWD and or VADs shall be installed and be visible throughout the area of coverage at a viewing position of 1.5 m above the floor.
VWDs reinforcing the evacuate signal, shall display the word EVACUATE when lit.
VADs (strobes and beacons) reinforcing the evacuate signal shall have a label on or next to the device with the words FIRE or EVACUATE in letters not less than 25 mm height in a contrasting colour to the background.
The temporal pattern described in ISO 8201 shall be produced by visual alarm devices and tactile evacuate signals.
NOTE: When designing emergency warning systems for people with hearing impairment a combination of visual, tactile or other emergency warning devices shall be installed as appropriate.
4.3.10 Interconnection to the FDCIE
Where the EWS is interconnected with the FDCIE the following shall apply:
(a) A fault condition on the EWS shall be signalled to FDCIE.
(b) An isolate/disable facility shall be provided on either the EWCIE or the FDCIE to enable the FDAS to be tested without initiating the EWS.
(c) When the EWCIE is in test or disabled condition this shall be signalled to the FDCIE.
NOTE: AS 4428.16 allows these signals to be combined the fault signal.
4.3.11 Competing sound systems
The broadcasting of the emergency warning signal shall shut down any other sound reinforcement systems that are likely to produce an average SPL of more than 75 dB(A) in the same emergency zone.