AS standards list

AS 1289.6.4.1:2016 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes

AS 1289.6.4.1:2016 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes
The interpretation of the results requires consideration of the nature of the soil, how the soil sample was obtained and the way in which the specimen was prepared.The following results and general information shall be reported:
(a) The values of the principal stresses in kilopascals at the maximum deviator load.
NOTE: For small diameter samples of soft soils, the contribution of the rubber membrane to the measured strength may be significant and should be allowed for by the method suggested in Bishop, AW and Henkel, DJ. The Measurement of Soil Properties in the Triaxial Test. 2nd ed. London. 1962.
(b) The axial straining rate(s) and the strain(s) at failure.
(c) Dimensions of the test specimen, in millimetres, to the nearest millimetre.
(d) The percentage difference if the before and after test moisture of the test specimen is greater than 3%.
(e) The degree of saturation of the specimen before testing. State whether G s has been assumed or measured.
(f) Dry density, in tonnes per cubic metre, to the nearest 0.01 t/m 3 .
(g) Specimen moisture content at test completion, as a percentage, in accordance with AS 1289.2.1.1.
(h) Description of the specimen as broken after the test [see Clause 5(h)].
(i) Description (shear, intermediate or plastic) of the mode of failure, including photograph.
(j) Plot of the stress/strain curve of the test with the axial strain as the abscissa and the principal stress difference as the ordinate.
(k) Laboratory sample identification and description of the sample.
(l) Field sample identification, the sample depth, and the sampling method.
(m) Date of sampling and date of testing.
(n) The number of this Australian Standard, i.e. AS 1289.6.4.1.
(o) If required, a plot of the principal stresses σ 1 and σ 3 in the form of a Mohr circle diagram.

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